Leading renewable energy company Pacific Blue will seek approval this year to install a utility-scale battery at its wind farm at Clements Gap. Pacific Blue has operated the Clements Gap Wind Farm since 2010. Its 27 turbines produce enough clean electricity to power the equivalent needs of around 33,000 homes per year. The Clements Gap Battery Energy Storage System will store energy and help to provide better network security to residents and businesses in South Australia. If approved, the $30 million development is expected to begin in late 2021. Pacific Blue’s Executive Manager of Projects, Kim van Hattum, said the changing nature of energy demand meant it was important to invest in “firming capacity” from assets like the battery. “Firming capacity provides a more flexible energy supply that can be activated when there is a sudden peak in demand or when the wind isn’t blowing,” she said. The Clements Gap Wind Farm has enjoyed strong community support, with Pacific Blue investing more than $385,000 into the local community through the Clements Gap Wind Farm Sustainable Community Fund over the past decade. Mrs van Hattum said Pacific Blue would continue its commitment to community engagement with the development of the battery application, albeit from a distance for now. “The restrictions in place due to COVID-19 do present some challenges in talking to local stakeholders and members of the community directly, so with safety in mind we’ll be undertaking ‘socially distanced’ engagement over the next couple of months,” she said. “We want to provide an opportunity for people to ask questions and continue to build on the strong relationships we already have in the local community.” Media contact Media and Communications [email protected]