100% GreenPower, 100% Now.
When you choose Pacific Blue’s Green100 energy plan, the energy you purchase will have no net greenhouse gas emissions. That’s because at Pacific Blue, we will purchase GreenPower equivalent to 100% of your electricity usage from renewable energy sources like wind, solar and water.

Choose 100% GreenPower
At Pacific Blue, we believe supporting clean energy should be a given. That’s why there are no additional add-ons or sign-up steps, 100% GreenPower is automatically included in your Green100 plan. So, you can reduce your impact, starting now.
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What is GreenPower?
GreenPower is a government accredited program which allows Pacific Blue to guarantee all the electricity you use is matched with power from renewable energy sources. For every megawatt-hour of electricity you use through one of our GreenPower products we will purchase an equal amount of Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) from renewable generation plants in Australia. For more information, visit the GreenPower website.
Visit greenpower.gov.auGreen energy with Pacific Blue

For Victorian customers, fact sheets available at www.pacificblue.com.au/energy-fact-sheets. For clear advice on the right plan for you, contact us on 133 669. For all other customers, Basic Plan Information Documents available at www.pacificblue.com.au/basic-plan-information.