Haughton stage 2

The project

Haughton Solar Farm is a large-scale solar photovoltaic power station located in north Queensland’s Burdekin Shire (40km west of Ayr and 60km south of Townsville). 

The first 100MW stage for the solar farm was completed in 2019. The second stage of development for the Haughton Solar Farm proposes to construct a further 300MW of generating capacity which once constructed increases the solar farm’s total energy output to power approximately 232,000 homes.

Additionally, the second stage of the development includes a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) that will improve the security of electricity supply as well as capturing excess solar energy generated during the middle of the day and supply it back to the grid when demand is higher, such as morning and evening periods.

The site was identified as an area highly suitable for efficiently capturing solar energy – the region has one of the highest levels of solar irradiance in Australia, receiving 2,095 KWh/m² per annum. The north-eastern corner of the development site directly adjoins the existing 275kV Powerlink transmission line, providing the opportunity to connect to the NEM.

This video by Vox helps explain some of the challenges with solar generation, which is why projects that are partnered with effective storage solutions are critical to Australia’s journey to Net-Zero. 

Local benefits

Pacific Blue has a strong track record of delivering lasting social, environmental, and economic benefits to the local communities in which our projects are located. These include:

  • Upwards of 450 direct jobs during construction.
  • Generating local economic activity during construction and operations.
  • Utilising North Queensland’s Industrial might and expertise by providing opportunities for local businesses and suppliers.
  • Support for the Burdekin’s community-led projects and initiatives.
  • Up to 10 additional permanent jobs will be required to ensure the effective operation of the expanded solar farm, with further contractor opportunities also anticipated.

Community benefit sharing

Pacific Blue is proud to support communities that host our clean energy projects through our industry-leading Community Benefit Sharing Program, which delivers a portion of revenue back into our local communities each year.

The program aims to empower local communities to identify the projects and initiatives that we should support. A range of methods are used to achieve this aim (such as community funds and sponsorship), tailored to the specific needs of each area.

Since its launch, the program has delivered over $4.9 million to over 1000 community-led projects across regional Australia.

Our commitment to community engagement 

A key part of Pacific Blue’s successful delivery of projects is the way we engage and involve our neighbours, communities, and stakeholders throughout all stages. We use a range of tools to ensure that we engage with our communities in ways that are meaningful, transparent and relevant to the stakeholder groups concerned including developing our own Community Engagement Framework; a bespoke set of parameters specifically developed to empower community engagement staff to make decisions in collaboration with the community. 

Pacific Blue adheres to the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) methodology and principles for stakeholder engagement and is a signatory to the Clean Energy Council’s Charter for Best Practice Community Engagement.

Working with Traditional Owners

As part of our commitment to the local community, we are now including a portion of work that is to be performed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people in our construction contracts. Pacific Blue Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) tender documentation now includes a section specifically detailing the minimum percentage for Indigenous participation. 

We are proud to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Gudjada Aboriginal Corporation on Procurement, Training, and Employment Opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and have engaged with Burdekin Shire Council regarding the promotion of the QLD Government’s free TAFE programs to help young workers prepare for a career in the energy transition.

Pacific Blue will continue to work with the Bindal people to explore opportunities for ongoing Indigenous engagement throughout the delivery and operation of the solar farm. 

Procurement opportunities

The Haughton Solar Farm 2 (HAU2) and Haughton BESS (HBESS) projects are to design, construct, commission and maintain a 300 MW Solar Farm and a 200MW BESS located on land owned by Pacific Blue and adjacent to the 100MW first stage of the solar farm that became operational in 2019 and a 65MVAr Synchronous Condenser that became operational in 2021. 

The Haughton Stage 2 Expansion and BESS Project was approved by the Burdekin Shire Council in 2024.

The scope of work for the Projects is to engage suitably qualified contractors to Design, Construct and Commission a new Solar Farm (Haughton Solar Farm 2) with a connected capacity of 300MW as well as a 200MW BESS (Haughton BESS), including the associated substations adjacent to the existing Haughton Solar Farm asset.

The Project will comprise the following elements:

All surveys, studies, modelling, testing and data compilation necessary to support the Project’s development to:

  •  Support the grid connection process.
  • Civil construction, supply, installation and commissioning management.
  • any other tasks required for delivery of the work per Responsibility Matrix Technical Specification and EPC Contract.

Below is an indicative timeline of the works schedule: 

Activity Target Date - HAU2 Target Dates - HBESS
Early Works Commencement H2-2025 H1-2026
Investment Sanction H2-2026 H2-2026
EPC Notice to Proceed (NTP) H2-2026 H2-2026
Commercial operation Date H2-2028 H2-2028


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Our 3D vision of Haughton solar farm stage 2.

Haughton BES 3D
Haughton BES 3D
Haughton BES 3D
Haughton BESS

Contact Us

For more information, please email the contacts listed below.

Building a lasting partnership with the Bindal People, the Traditional Owners of country where the Haughton Solar Farm is located.